
Triglycerides: What It is, Your Body, Why You Should Care

Triglycerides are a type of fat in your blood. Oil, margarine, butter, are triglycerides. Your blood absorbs them after you eat. But that’s not the only source. Your body also turns extra calories, especially from “simple carbs” such as pastries, white bread, candy, sugar, and alcohol into triglycerides and stores them in fat cells.  

Smartphones: A Necessary Evil That Can Wreck Your Health

Smartphones are a necessity in our lives today. But with the convenience also come risks to our health which can lead to chronic illness. We outline the smartphone negatives below.     Smartphones: Germs, Germs, Germs Your cellphone probably goes with you everywhere. When’s the last time you cleaned it? Ever? It makes sense that

Fast Food For Senior Citizens: Should They Really Eat This?

Fast food is delicious and can save us time. But are they good for senior citizens regular diet and nutrition?     Fast Food: French Fries Potatoes, fried in a vat of simmering oil, and finished with a sprinkling of salt. What could be simpler? Apparently, quite a lot. Fast-food fries often have more than

Feel Younger, Turn Back The Clock With Fun Activities

Feel younger is the mantra we want to live by. Although we’re getting on in years, the desire to stay and feel young and healthy never leaves us. Here are several strategies you can use to feel younger. Go for it!     Feel Younger: Spend Time With Friends Friends are good for the soul.

Coconut Oil Provides Excellent Health And Beauty Benefits

Coconut oil is not only for cooking. Indeed, it’s also an excellent benefit to your health and beauty. For example, it moisturizes skin and easily removes your make-up. That’s just for starters as we will show you more great uses. Body oil Coconut oil’s creamy texture, when solid, makes it the perfect light moisturizer to

Sneezing Is The Best Thing That Ever Happens To You

Sneezing is great for you! Contrary to the myths and misinformation you may have heard or read about, sneezing is actually a rather great thing. Furthermore, I’m sure that if we weren’t born with the sneezing reflex, we would have had to invent it. So sneeze and be happy. Your eyeballs won’t pop out, your
